How did you find out about us?
Google search! We were looking for kits to send to people’s home and did some general searching and came across your page. We had done pizzas in the post in the past.
What did you order?
53 x #004 DIY Kit and 6 x #111 Vegan DIY Kit
How did you find the process to order? What made you decide to go with us?
It was super easy and you were very accommodating of our large order needs. We decided to go with Libertine as the kits were very comprehensive and good value for everything that was included.
What did the employees who received the DIY Kit think of it?
Everyone loved it! We had some great comments and actually ran a burger competition. We had amazing feedback and even some people who said they generally aren’t burger people (weird…), thoroughly enjoyed the kits. We also needed to make sure it catered for Vegans as we ran this in line with Veganuary.
Would you recommend Libertine Burger DIY Kits and why?
100%, absolutely. The kits are easy to use and delicious. The ingredients are very high quality and the instructions were easy to follow. The ordering process for the large group was very simple and we were impressed that there were no errors/missing kits. It was also great for us as a corporate “event” to get people’s families, children and friends involved. For example, one of our employees is single so ended up planning a burger night with her friends thanks to the kit. We even had some employees meet up outside of work to make them together.